Take your place in the 2024 IDIA Training!


Application Deadline - 4 March 2024

The International Development Innovation Alliance (IDIA) in collaboration with the Global Innovation for Impact Lab (GIIL) at Stanford PACS has officially opened applications for the 2024 IDIA Ethiopia Health Innovation Ecosystem Training for mid to senior-level professionals engaging in work within the Ethiopian health innovation ecosystem. The objective of the 2024 IDIA Ecosystem training is to help practitioners working within the Ethiopian health innovation ecosystem and their institutions develop the mindsets, skills, tools and ways of working that will enhance how they collaborate to collectively translate shared innovation ambitions into impact at scale.

The IDIA Ecosystem Training which will consist of a cohort of 24 participants, will drive towards four main Ecosystem Outcomes, a subset of the nine Innovation Ecosystem Goals outlined by IDIA (see this webpage for more on IDIA’s broader work on innovation ecosystems):

  • Supporting networking assets that enable productive relationships between actors

  • Ensuring equitable and inclusive ecosystem governance and participation

  • Creating smoother pathways to scale for specific innovations

  • Mobilizing a collective approach to address a particular developmental challenge

More information on the 2024 Ecosystem Training can be found here.

We invite applications from government officials, researchers, innovators, civil society, innovation funders, and other practitioners whose work contributes to health outcomes in Ethiopia, to attend the 2024 IDIA Ecosystem Training Course in Bishoftu Ethiopia from 22-26 April 2024, hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with support from USAID. Full financial support is available for local ecosystem members.

For any further questions, please see review the call for applications or contact idiatraining@r4d.org. We look forward to receiving your application!

Apply Now!